Short revision/independent reading session.
Groups had an opportunity to review and discuss their DEJs on "The Seafarer" (87--91).
Whole class discussion of the Focus Question, and Questions 1 and 2 on page 91:
Discussed fatalism in both Beowulf and "The Seafarer"
Discussed "The Seafarer"as an allegory, analyzing lines for what they tell us about the Anglo-Saxon attitude toward the life of a good Christian.
COLLECTED DEJs on Caedmon and "The Seafarer."
Reviewed the definition of an elegy, and listened to video performance of "The Wanderer."
HOMEWORK: For Friday: This is in preparation for a test.
Read background information on "The Wife's Lament," and put down 2--3 Post-It Notes on passages in both "The Wife's Lament" and "The Seafarer" to allow you to answer Question 3 on page 94: "The most important bond in Anglo-Saxon society was that between a lord and his retainers. How do "The Seafarer" and "The Wife's Lament" reveal the Anglo-Saxon ideal of loyalty and the tragedy of separation or exile from one's lord?
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23: Students applying Early Decision should submit their final drafts of the college application essay via Google Docs, in order to receive last set of feedback before deadline. (This is
only for those needing early feedback!)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30: Final draft college essays due via Google Docs.
MONDAYS: Reading logs are due.